Advice from Isa

Being in one space all day can sometimes be more exhausting than what a normal day might entail. Without giving your brain a chance to “wake up” and process more than just a computer screen, it’s very possible that you’ll end your day tired and bored. There are countless ways to avoid your screens for even just a few minutes like cooking a meal, taking a walk, and reading a book. One of the best ways to stretch, get your heart rate up, and relax all at once is doing yoga! Originating in India, yoga has been practiced by millions for centuries and has proven benefits to both the body and the mind. Being a yoga teacher, I’m lucky to have internal knowledge of what yoga postures would feel best for me after sitting at my “desk”, (i.e. a chair to put my computer on while I sit on my couch) but not everyone knows what would feel the best for them!

Doing a simple Google search such as “yoga postures for (insert part of your body that is sore) pain” or “guided meditations to help anxiety”. Thousands of articles, images, and youtube videos will come up and you can explore as much as you want. If you don’t know where to start, start right here! At Year 2, our goal is to support students as much as we can which is why we are hosting another free, all-levels yoga class via Zoom on May 5th. I am so excited to be teaching another class for Year 2, and I hope to see you there so we can all take a nice break before finals week!

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