Advice from another of our Y2 board members!

This is advice from Cassidy, one of our Alt. Break site leaders! She is an upperclassman and wants to share what she has learned during her time here at CSU, so use it all for your benefit! 

I’ve recently had lots of time to reflect on my time at CSU so far. It made me realize just how much I’ve learned and grown during my time in college. I know we’ve all heard the typical “enjoy it now, it goes by fast” from our elders. And wow isn’t that the truth. So, from my perspective as an upperclassman, I want to share 3 pieces of college advice I wish someone would’ve told me earlier.

  1. Don’t take anything for granted – My mom always tells me, “never forget the gift of an ordinary day.” That quote didn’t always make sense to me, but now more than ever it does. As we are all realizing now, our daily 8ams weren’t so bad if it meant we got to be on campus. Personally, I’ve realized that I’d much rather be waking up early to make it on time to a class rather than doing my work from a living room three hours away from Fort Collins. So please always remember how special an ordinary day can be! 
  2. Go to that game! – or that event, or that friend’s house, etc. There are so many opportunities I missed because I was “too tired” or because “there will always be another one.” Take advantage of all the fun things we get the opportunity to be a part of at college, we only get a few years of it! 
  3. Strengthen those connections – The most important thing I’ve learned at college is the power of connections. Whether they are personal connections, business connections, etc., they are all so very important to someone’s success. Never be afraid to ask for someone’s email, LinkedIn, etc. because somewhere down the road that might be way more useful than you thought it would be. Simple conversations with strangers have helped me get jobs, meet other people, and lead me to numerous other opportunities. 

Although I could give so many more pieces of advice, these are the three I wish I would’ve understood more. Although college isn’t easy and we all face our struggles, please take advantage of your time here, we’re all gonna miss this place one day! Stay safe and take care of yourself, Ramily.


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